Photo of a Dero

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Ye Admin
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Photo of a Dero

Post by Ye Admin » Tue May 07, 2019 7:29 pm

Brenton Sawin keeps attracting Deros.

His picture looks like an illustration. I don't know where he got it from. But the video he's talking about is 16 minutes long and seems to take years to get to the point.

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Re: Photo of a Dero

Post by aeon » Tue May 07, 2019 8:11 pm

I can't load the first video it reads as an ad or tracker and is blocked.

The dero at the end is from here:

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Re: Photo of a Dero

Post by Ye Admin » Tue May 07, 2019 8:15 pm

The video is a Facebook video, that's probably why it's not playing.

Here is the same video, but on Youtube. I'll edit the original post.

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Re: Photo of a Dero

Post by Ye Admin » Thu May 09, 2019 10:28 am

@aeon What does it look like to you?

To me it kinda resembles Uncle Fester. :lol:

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Re: Photo of a Dero

Post by aeon » Thu May 09, 2019 1:44 pm

I could not make anything out except a floating lump. Shaver said only some of the inner world beings had the long nose caused by fungal spores, some had mottled brown skin. Some could pass for normal while others were mutated into horrors you would shoot on sight. Most beings no longer lived for centuries but around 50 years.

This has served only to fix that idea that they had long noses.
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Re: Photo of a Dero

Post by aeon » Thu May 09, 2019 1:47 pm

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Re: Photo of a Dero

Post by aeon » Thu May 09, 2019 1:50 pm

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Re: Photo of a Dero

Post by aeon » Thu May 09, 2019 1:51 pm

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Re: Photo of a Dero

Post by Ye Admin » Thu May 09, 2019 3:00 pm

This was the only novel by Richard S. Shaver that was never released to the public in any popular, mass market, publication. Mandark was serialized in Chester S. Geir's The Shaver Mystery Magazine and published in complete form in Raymond A. Palmer's THE HIDDEN WORLD, both of which were small press, limited circulation journals available only to die-hard fans of The Shaver Mystery.



Mandark was Shaver's first effort at fictionalizing his personal discovery of "The Caves" and his initiation into the subterranean world of the Dero and the Tero. Like his last novel The Dream Makers (Fantastic Stories, July, 1958) Mandark is in some aspects autobiographical and is an essential key to understanding Shaver and his 'Mystery'. Why was Mandark never published in Amazing Stories, Fantastic Adventures, or Other Worlds-when over twenty-five other Shaver stories and novels graced (Shaver's critics would say 'disgraced) their pages?

Because it was too controversial, even in the context of the Shaver Mystery! Rumor had it that when Mandark was submitted to Ziff-Davis one of the secretaries started to read it and was so shocked that she became physically ill. If you consider that the story features a giant black cave-baby who grows up to be 'Yahveh' and begins his telepathic instructions to the baby Jesus while he is in the Virgin Mary's womb you have an idea of why the novel never enjoyed a popular publication.

But Shaver's Biblical extrapolations in Mandark didn't end there. He went on to re-run the Samson and Delilah story, delivering his black Elder-Godling Samson (Yahveh) into the clutches of a seductive, satanic and sadistic Dero princess who devised an endless series of high-tech tortures and super-scientific agonies that would have delighted the Marquis de Sade if he had had the imagination to envision them.

All this was reason enough to exclude the novel from the popular media, however, for serious students of the Shaver Mystery this was a good thing. With Mandark we not only have Shaver 'in the raw', we have an original description of Shaver's pre-history of the Elder Gods from outer space, the origin of planet Earth and the beginning of the human race that has not been redefined and reworked by Raymond A. Palmer. "Rap" said as much in his editorial introducing the novel in HIDDEN WORLD ---"just as Shaver originally wrote it."

For people who like their alternative mythologies to fit together without contradictions or multiple choices Mandark will present some problems. Old Shaver fans (myself included) grew up on The Mystery the way Ray Palmer wanted it to develop. Palmer launched his own version at the outset by rewriting a 10,000 word essay by Shaver (A Warning to Future Man) into a 36,000 word novel I Remember Lemuria!

(Amazing Stories, March, 1945 and HW no. 1, Spring, 1961) Basically the Palmer-Shaver scenario was this: the Elder Gods came to Earth when the sun was young and healthy and sending out beneficial rays, but then the aging sun went "dis" and detrimental radiation began to affect all life on Earth. Most Elder Gods decided to leave the planet but others created a vast network of artificial caverns to escape the radiation. All this took place over 12,000 years ago. By the time civilization rose on the surface, the cave-dwellers had suffered from the radiation they had tried to escape and had mutated into a race of troglodytes roughly divided into two camps: the Dero and the Tero.

The Dero were at best evil pranksters and at worst homicidal maniacs. The Tero were nice folks but very secretive and suspicious. They had to be. The Dero outnumbered them and all underground dwellers had access to ancient ray machines that could read minds at great distances, launch deadly rays and even bring people to heights of sexual ecstasy. In Mandark Shaver's muse and succubus is a blind Tero girl called Nydia who is his stim-lover and telaug teacher. (If these terms are new to you then you are new to The Shaver Mystery, and Mandark is a good place to start.)


It is not surprising that Shaver did not have an understanding of Christ, at least at that point. It's obvious from this novel.

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Re: Photo of a Dero

Post by Ye Admin » Thu May 09, 2019 9:27 pm


If we grant the.concept "Infinity' as being reasonably accurate description of
what we see when we look into the heavens we have automatically. accepted the ex-
istence.of Gods.
Life has perhaps been developing great numbers of such beings and races of-such
beings in her endless stretches into times and spaces where we know nothing of what
exists. Some of these beings, in the infinite numbers of the opportunities for them to
do so, must have become immortal by mastering the great enemy—DEATH.

SINCE this must have happened by the laws of probability if the universe is big enough,
then these GODS must have been very fecund, for a healthy immortal would-cer-
tainly have children still living when he reached the age of a few thousand years.
Therefore, from the word "infinity" springs the certainty that there are God-like
beings populating a large part of that infinity. It seems an unavoidable conclusion
when we look up at the stars and think about probability laws. It would even seem
probable, from the age of the earth, that some of these beings must have touched Earth,
at some time or other. For such beings must be so fecund, must fill so much of habitable
space with their life that they must have set foot on Earth at some time for some pur-
We have the legends of the Gods, and see have also other relics-not so well known
to tell us that this was so! We know, for instance, why they are not here now!
We know that the enemy of such life as we have concepted as God-life is those
same stars that dot our night sky with their deadly light. Those stars are as deadly to
life of all kinds as radium is deadly to all life. The immortals avoid all stars as we
avoid the plague: for all stars, as well as our sun„ are the cause of age: And the im-
mortals prefer to live on.
Hence, if Earth was touched by the feet of the Gods. it was before Earth had a
sun, or before Earth's sun was deadly as it is now. If that was so, then Earth seas
cold when they lived on it. Hence they must have lived deep inside Earth to avoid the
cold and to take advantage of Earth's internal heat or to keep in the heat of their own
fires by the insulation of the rock. If that was ever:tree, then in the deep rock of'. -"4
mother Earth must lie the traces of the God's life here.
Well, I have frets here ! Deep within the .earth, and the traces are infinitely more.-s;
than traces! There are, underneath our rocky surfaced Earth, cities in a great network
front one to six miles deep and some much deeper. They are full of machinery of a kind.,
too complex for men to understand. and no man as 'we know him ever built. People
have lived and evolved in those abandoned God-homes since the earliest clays of Man ..
on earth. And they have kept their secret; not so lunch because they particularly wanted-
to keep it, perhaps. But because it has been impossible to tell incredulous Man anything •
about it, for he would not believe them when he was told. Few will fully believe Ibis
statement, but it is true!
The people who live' there have evolved differently than Man on the surface. They
are different, more different inside than out, mentally than physically. They know all '
about its, we know nothing of them. They have weapons superior to anything we can
devise; built by the Gods themselves and abandoned in those ancient homes when the
Gods left the sun-death of Earth for the clean dark spaces where no sun causes .age.
This book tells something of the history of these hidden people, and of the history
of the time when the Gods were on' Earth, read from records deep in caverns.
This book is written by two people, _though in truth a great many minds had
something to 40 with it. The most important is one.. small person called Nydia of the
Hidden People. Nydia does not write complicated English, not because she can't- think
that way, but because she was raised differently from we, of the surface. Moreover, she
is blind, but she can talk and site knows a great deal more about the Hidden' People
than anyone else among them I ever met. She ought to know, she is one, and listened
to and remembers alt their oral history from the older people all her life. She doesn't
,know where she was born for sure, but it is somewhere under Massachusetts. She is
an expert in a little-known science, of using apparatus built by.minds of a .
vast. superiority to the mind of titan. • She can even make repairs on machinery that a
Modern technician would fear to touch for fear of breaking it irreparably. She inherit,
the legends•and word-of-mouth history of a people who have, unknown to Modern Man.
.been a hidden part • of his life since the. most ancient times, But I will write her idea. .
of the beginning of this hook and you can see for yourself whether an ordinary school-
book education is necessary to an intelligent. mind. Nydia was educated in a way that no --

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