Yretsym is Mystery Spelled Backwards

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Yretsym is Mystery Spelled Backwards

Post by aeon » Wed Jun 08, 2016 4:02 pm

http://ufocon.blogspot.com/2012/06/up-u ... e-not.html


The Ridiculous Reconsidered: Schizoanalyzing the Shaver Mystery
by Andrew Ferguson University of Virginia

In a curious series of articles published between 1945 and 1948, Richard Shaver recounted his meetings with the remnants of an extremely advanced civilization now living underground, running surveillance on mankind and projecting voices into their minds.

Modern SF critics, when they deign even to mention the so-called "Shaver Mystery," treat it largely as a cynical publishing phenomenon, leaving further analysis of to the historians of conspiracy theories and UFOlogy.

My paper examines Shaver's statements in light of the schizoanalytic method developed by Deleuze and Guattari, demonstrating how the mystery is a peculiarly rhizomatic growth, an unpredictable phenomenon blurring the lines between author, editor, and reader-foreshadowing both the "inward turn" of the New Wave, and the interactive turn still ongoing today.

Very last page: http://iafa.highpoint.edu/wp-content/up ... y-4.00.pdf

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Re: Yretsym is Mystery Spelled Backwards

Post by YE ED » Thu Jun 09, 2016 11:34 am

My gafiation has kept me out of the loop. Had not seen this blog post (though I don't know a thimbleful of what is going on the INTERNETS). Lately, though, I've been dragged out of my cocoon. One of the reasons is that I happened to re-read John Keel's Our Haunted Planet, and it dragged up a lot of unfinished business I had with Keel's take on Shaver. When I did the interview with him in 1985, I tried to pin down exactly how he knew Shaver's claims were any different than nearly identical claims of "contactees" he recounted in his books. Since he states in OHP that “The contactee syndrome is not a form of insanity, but insanity—particularly paranoid schizophrenia—frequently develops after the contacts begin.”

So then, how did Keel determine that Shaver's claims were insanity when insanity is part and parcel of the contactee experience? Is it like RAP's "Fact"? I could not get it out of him, but later, his friend Doug Skinner explained to me that he thought Keel considered Shaver a victim of the schizophrenic symptom of the "influencing machine," a la James Tilly Matthews in the 1700s. Still not sure how Keel came to his opinion, though.

Then I saw that the online version of Amazing Stories came out with a blurb called " The Art of the Shaver Mystery," which berated nutty Shaver yet again (this is all from the point of view of sci fi fans, who all hated Shaver and Palmer for ruining their beloved sci fi genre). The article in turn linked to a post by Barry Malzberg, who also berated Shaver claiming he was a deranged mail carrier! This is the kind of crap that has been stated as fact for the last 70 years among the sci fi community.

Anyhoo, enough of my tirade...peace out.

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Re: Yretsym is Mystery Spelled Backwards

Post by aeon » Thu Jun 09, 2016 1:47 pm

https://web.archive.org/web/20131026023 ... ERJAK2.jpg

https://web.archive.org/web/20131026032 ... ERJAK3.jpg


He considers the Shaver Mystery just another Devil Theory while his Ultraterrestrials are only a literary device not a theory.

He says there is no sure way to determine if hearing voices proves you sane or insane.

Ye Ed I think you got as clear an answer as anyone in pinning him down.

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