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Mantong Revisited

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 12:00 pm
by aeon
Original Mantong Alphabet had two T's and no Y

TE = implied growth by imbibing beneficial vibrants like the original Vi-Kings who manufactured and sold vitality elixirs

Earth = energy animal danger to integrated human

J - Jay = animal generation of energy
G - Ge = generating energy by mech or natural forces
K - Kay = animal kinetic or any force in motion
An = life unit
H = human - hyouman = hey you man - play on words

English to Old Norse to Mantong

Benefit = gott = generating source of super integration

Harm = haski = human animal detrimental kinetic I

Grow = grow big, increase, wax = vaxa = vital animal crossing out original animal

Linguist = life ego child generates the self by solar division of integration = sun rays cause young life to generate a negative for positive use

Language = animal life generates this energy for animal use

Mantong = Man Animal Integrated Source Seed Generator

Variform = Vital Animal Horror Self Fertile Origin Horror Man

Hybrid = Human Why Be Horror I Bad

Chimera = See Human I Man Energy Horror Animal

Sol: Sun induction source of mental error in thought or sun reflection in thought
Soul: Mirage self created by self reflection under solar magnetic induction
So that's why there is no immortal soul in the bible. It is composed entirely of mental error and dies with the body
Sin: Sun induction
In: I am tiny or dis particle = Inward to the small

Through the years, the centuries, these poisons accumulate in the soil of the planet, and are continually being washed out of it by the rains with the result that all the water on Mu is becoming increasingly contaminated. When these waters are drunk, the poisons accumulate in the body, finally becoming numerous enough to completely halt all growth and still worse, to prevent any effectual use of exd, which is the food of all integration.

The sun projects minute disintegrances down upon us in a steady, numerous rain whose effects we call age. In water the poison is heavily present in suspension, especially so in thermal springs. In the air the poison floats forever with the tiny thistledown of dust it has infected and to which it clings. It settles on the leaves of plants. So we take the poison in with every breath, with every bite of food, with every drink of water; thus we age as the poison accumulates.

Mantong: In using it, one is really using the original ancient space-pidgin from which all language springs. It was brought to Earth in the first spaceships in the very beginning of things when the world was just starting to burgeon with a vast flora and fauna like nothing seen before or since. In my record study, this was presaged by the first pass-over when spores and seeds were sprinkled over a totally sterile planet Just thawing from a long freeze, as though Earth had been a voyager Of deep space that had been captured by the Sun.

A pidgin is a restricted language which arises for the purposes of communication between two social groups of which one is in a more dominant position than the other. The less dominant group is the one which develops the pidgin.

A pidgin is not the native language of any speech community, but is instead learned as a second language. A pidgin may be built from words, sounds, or body language from multiple other languages and cultures.

Pidgins allow people or a group of people to communicate with each other without having any similarities in language and do not have any rules, as long as both parties are able to understand each other. Pidgins can be changed and do not follow a specific word order.

Using this in combination with the Telaug must have been interesting. I bet they found some thought patterns translated poorly, rather like Star Trek's universal translator. There still had to be recognizable basic constructs to render even an approximate translation.

Some aliens might have had such different nervous systems and sensory organs that even telepathy might have induced a jarring effect even insanity if the telepathic link was not severed.