Life is a Scream in the Face of a Bright Madness

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Life is a Scream in the Face of a Bright Madness

Post by aeon » Mon Jun 06, 2016 11:38 am ... r-revival/

"There’s a hidden message in Shaver’s work, one that’s often overlooked by both enthusiasts and detractors. Quite simply: We are the Dero. To Shaver, we have virtually unlimited potential. Within us is a huge untapped capacity for wisdom, strength, vitality, and beauty. We could be like gods.

"Instead, we’re a stunted, perverted bunch: we kill one another, poison our planet, stultify ourselves with mindless jobs, cut down forests to put up ugly boxlike cities, vilify intelligence, and condemn sexuality. We think backwards and embrace everything that’s vile, nasty, and foolish."

Doug Skinner, Richard Shaver archivist

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Re: Life is a Scream in the Face of a Bright Madness

Post by Ye Admin » Fri May 10, 2019 12:18 am

I think the human body is Dero-like in that sense of the word, a slave to destruction. No other living being goes on a completely destructive autopilot if left to its own instincts. What keeps us from total destruction is the human soul.

If you think of things such as suicidal ideation, thoughts of harm to others, psychopathic behaviour and sadism, you don't associate any of those things with animals or plants. These detrimental things don't apply to rabbits, snails or marigolds in the field. Even sharks, which are not more than robotic large-sized versions of destructive amoebs, don't engage in any destructive behaviour beyond what is necessary to eat and to keep their groups free of sick or maimed members.

If the separation of Man from Eden serves as an example, we are separated from what made us integrant and are trapped in an existence which is disintegrant, and without our better spiritual selves, we fall into a black hole where identity is replaced by destructive programming.

I have heard decades ago that Walt Disney Productions faked the lemming suicides for a documentary. So not even those stupidotic rodents are as statistically inclined to self-harm as humans.

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Re: Life is a Scream in the Face of a Bright Madness

Post by aeon » Fri May 10, 2019 7:06 am ... ument.html ... films.html

We watch two film makers do a short film about US science fiction
writer Richard Shaver. Shaver wrote about the remnants of an ancient
civilization still living beneath the Earth called the Dero and how
they use their ancient ray technology to invisibly influence surface
dwellers in a negative way. The main difference between Shaver and
other SF writers was that he believed what he said was true.

During the course of filming their own short movie we learn the
outline of Shavers story and listen to them discuss their own
interpretations of his tales. By the end they have come to some
equally extreme and questionable conclusions about life. Or are they


The script for the Motion Picture by Stephen Rennicks.

Copyright 2005 Ancient Films

FIRST DRAFT 4th May 2005

DRAFT LAST UPDATED 12th October 2007



Elderly man on death bed. It is the American home of RICHARD SHAVER.
His wife at his side. Camera pans around room revealing clues to his
identity, copies of books he wrote, typewriter, paintings etc. The
room is very cluttered.




We are already dead.

He closes eyes and dies peacefully. His wife cries and looks out

Camera pans through window to the yard, cluttered with more junk, old
car, comes towards a shed, inside is equally full of the debris of a
life, rocks and paintings. Camera fixes on large portable welder.
Zooms in and dissolves.


Out of focus shot, gradually becoming clear. We hear low voices.


Two twenty something men are standing and having a conversation.
STEPHEN and BARRY. Stephen holds a camcorder, Barry is reading a
script. They are about to start shooting the first scene of a short
documentary style film about the stories of Richard Shaver.


Ok Richard, time to get in character. Have you got your first line
worked out?




We'll just walk along this path, keep it loose, if it works this way
it works, we got 2 days.


I'm ready, lets do it.


Begin walk.


So, 12,000 years ago the elders moved under the surface, into the
cavern world, there were vast cities down there. But even that wasn't
good enough, they vainly thought they could survive there but the dis-
radiation reached down there too. The elders then left the Earth but
some remained, the abandondero' s. That's in the ancient language man
tong. Dero for short. These Dero's degenerated more and more but they
were immortals as well so they have been living down there for
thousands of years. Now, we were once elders but we moved to the
surface, so we are pathetic creatures really and we are slowly
becoming dero's ourselves.


Are you disappointed that your warning wasn't heeded?


Well you see the warning I had was that we should actually go under
there and attack the dero because they are tampering with our lives,
their beaming rays at us, they are damaging our brains. The reason we
can't hear them is because they have machines that are beaming rays
into our heads to stop us from realizing that their there. We have to
just tunnel under the surface and we have to destroy them because
there is a war going on.


Have you any regrets about finding these people beneath the Earth?


Regrets? No, you can't regret the truth. Its had an effect on my
family of course because I've been a target of the Dero's.


Did you feel it was perhaps your destiny to discover the Dero and to
tell the world?


Well, I'm practical really, that's kind of a label, labeling me as a
prophet, which I'm not. Although if somebody does something about
this then I'm a prophet. You asked me earlier if I was disappointed.
See, people are just living their lives, going to work, shopping,
whatever they do, they don't realize that life is a scream in the
face of a bright madness.

Snip ------------ ---------


Since you left the caves have you ever felt the influence of the
dero's, do you suspect them of disrupting your life?


Yeah, they've got a lot of technology invented in ancient times. For
instance, its just spiteful things, they make my cigarettes taste
like garbage. And its not just me. I got a letter from a man, they
torture him. The machines they used, he experienced the same year
over and over again, he was trapped in one year of his life, had to
live it 12 times or something. With their time ray or whatever they
call it. I do know they have what they call a ben ray. The elders
invented it to heal wounds but they use that to torture, so the
victim doesn't die, so physical torture can go on for years. In fact
there's one case where they dismembered a body but all the parts were
still alive thanks to this ben ray. So its not just me. There's
things they haven't done to me but that's probably because I'm less
susceptible to the rays.

Snip-------- --------- --------- -


When did you first become aware of the Dero's?


I was working in an automobile factory, my job was to work a welding
gun and by some freak accident, something to do with the attunement
of the welder I began to hear thoughts of my co-workers. And then I
began to hear voices but they didn't seem to be from anyone around
and then I realized they were coming from under the ground. That's
when I became aware of the Dero's. Now their using rays to stop
people hearing them normally, but by an accident I became immune to
those rays.


What evidence have you to support your claim of a lost civilization?


The evidence is all around us. What do you think these are?




These are silica books. The elders of the original civilization of
surface dwellers, before the sun became harmful 20,000 years ago, this is their
art and literature, 3D books. We're sitting in a library here and
people just walk by, they don't realize how beautiful these are, they
don't realise every piece is a beautiful piece of art. If we can get
these Dero's and their rays out of our lives we will see the treasure
that lies all around us.


What do you think the future holds for mankind.


Look, unless we go into the cavern world and seriously wage war on
the Dero then mankind has no future. Eventually the Dero will make
slaves of all of us. What people think life is it isn't, the way
people live their life, their experience of joy, whatever, its just
brain damage that makes people think that's life. Life is a silly
sound like a death rattle from a dying clown in the night.

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Re: Life is a Scream in the Face of a Bright Madness

Post by aeon » Fri May 10, 2019 9:31 am

The Elders first escaped the deadly sunlight by digging in, creating the Cavern World, a massive network of subsurface dwellings and passages throughout the planet's crust, "tier on tier of cities, endlessly vast, the homes of giants.... An area beyond calculation, a maze, a catacomb, labyrinth.

Plane over plane, multiplied forever mile upon mile in depth, endlessly on and on." And these were caves not of steel but of integrative materials, Elder-stuff that grows only denser and more durable with the passing millennia.

The Cavern World was home to some 50 billion Atlans and Titans at one point. But even these titanic burrows failed to protect the Elder races from the degenerative effects of Sol's dis rays, and so about 12,000 years ago they were forced to abandon Lemuria for the safety of younger stars. ... w/112/128/

Challenge To A Dero By Peter Kor ... 002_10.php


This story contains another nightmare, or, to be more precise, two separate nightmares: A nightmare of mine that soon became a nightmare of Adam's. Some readers of the site may recall an article I posted a couple of months ago about the pre-Deluge agate art stone of the 'Shaver Mystery' that Adam purchased at a flea market near Casa Diablo (which I still believe is a little north of Bishop, California). For those who didn't get a chance to read the posting, I will now give a brief description of the 'Shaver Mystery' or 'Shaver Hoax', depending on which point of view you take. Richard Shaver was a spot-welder who, while during one of the more down and out periods of his life, found himself haunted by strange, far-off voices, screams of agony, and bizarre visions of some mysterious unknown world. These, he later came to learn, were emanating from a cavern world that was built just beneath ours.

As he recounted the story in a pulp magazine from the 1940s, the earth was once inhabited by a great race of beings who were known as the Elder Gods. But then the sun began to change, throwing off ejecta of detrimental radiation that eventually caused the Elder Gods to leave the Earth in search of another planet to live on (but not before they buried their marvelous technology to keep it safe from any future surface dwellers). However, not all of the beings were able to seek refuge in their fleet of spacecraft. Some of them, the more robotic clone-type workers of the Elder Gods were forced to bore underground, fashioning a cavern network that shielded them from the sun's poisonous rays.

Over successive generations, these beings deteriorated both physically and mentally, and became known as 'deros' (a contraction of the words DEgenerate RObotS). In their degenerate state, the "psychotic dwarfs" began to torment those who remained on the surface. Over the centuries, many of these people were kidnapped and subjected to unimaginable torture and sadistic sexual orgies at the hands of the dero. So many so, that according to Shaver and others, the dero became the foundation of the Biblical devil and hell itself when these stories began to filter back to the surface dwellers.

Now of course, this whole business of the 'Shaver Mystery" reads like third-rate science fiction, and that was always my opinion of the entire thing - it was just one of the more fringe aspects of ufology in the 40s and 50s. But after Adam bought the slice of agate ( the 'dero art stone' which was a mounted wall plaque), he soon found himself having a series of lucid dreams. In fact, for months, we jokingly attributed this sudden increase in lucid dreaming to his new 'dero' stone.

Then one night while working on a Tool-related project up at Adam's manse, I happened to crash out on a couch in his living room. As I slept, I soon began to have really bizarre dreams. In these I seemed to glimpse the denizens of Shaver's cavern world. But was I merely dreaming this or was I experiencing visual projections beamed by the deros' 'mech' (Shaver's term for the technology left behind by the Elder Gods)? Soon I found myself in a kind of murkiness, surrounded by dissolving views of garish imagery: hideous viridescent specters with enormous bulbous black eyes and a multitude of bizarre variegated masks distorted as if in the mirrors of some alien funhouse.

In the darkness I started to panic, flailing blindly at the ghastly repellent deformities that were all around me. Suddenly I heard the sound of something crashing... and then the 'cavern' I was in was filled with a brilliant light. And there was Adam standing there, looking at me as if I had gone stark raving mad. Evidently, I was having a bad dream and was sleepwalking in his house. Somehow I had managed to negotiate the flight of stairs that led to a room on the bottom floor. The very room where he kept his amazing collection of sci-fi toys, models, sculptures and horror and fantasy movie props. Looking down, I saw that I was standing amid a pile of shattered plaster - the remains of his prized possession that I had knocked off a pedestal. This was a life-cast of Vincent Price. And that was Adam's worse nightmare.

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