Jacques Vallee

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Jacques Vallee

Post by Ye Admin » Mon Jun 06, 2016 12:42 pm

http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/cienc ... llee05.htm
"First, there is a physical object. That may be a flying saucer or it may be a projection or it may be something entirely different. All we know about it is that it represents a tremendous quantity of electromagnetic energy in a small volume. I say that based upon the evidence gathered from traces, from electromagnetic and radar detection and from perturbations of the electromagnetic fields such as Dr. Claude Poher, the French space scientist, has recorded."
Conductor ray which can carry many superimposed energies including dis and ben rays.
"Second, there’s the phenomenon the witnesses perceive. What they tell us is that they’ve seen a flying saucer. Now they may have seen that or they may have seen an image of a flying saucer or they may have hallucinated it under the influence of microwave radiation, or any of a number of things may have happened. The fact is that the witnesses were exposed to an event and as a result they experienced a highly complex alteration of perception which caused them to describe the object or objects that figure in their testimony."
Telaug mind tamper.
"It is conceivable that there is one phenomenon which is visual and another which creates the physical traces. What I’m saying is that a strange kind of deception may be involved.

Clark: In other words the physical traces are placed there as ostensible confirmation of what the senses perceived?

Vallee: Yes. It’s comparable perhaps to the strategic deception operations of the British during World War II to fool the Germans. They created artificial tank tracks in the desert and in other ways simulated the passage of large armored divisions. They even caused dust storms to perpetuate the illusion, which the Germans found very convincing indeed."
Telemach mech includes telemechro rodite control - makes you do things. Includes teleport mech, tractor beam, and pressor beam or repulsor beam.

http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/cienc ... llee03.htm

"Just to give you one example, in the Redding case that I investigated in northern California, the witnesses had seen an object three times on their claim near a mine that they worked. The case had been investigated by various UFO groups and the report had been published. I went there and gained the trust of the witnesses.

We went back to the place where the object had been and I asked them "How did the object take off?" They said it took off ... sort of at an angle." I looked at the place and said, "Well, it had to go through the trees, didn’t it?" And they said, "Well, it kind of went through the trees!"

I pointed out, "That’s not what you told the other people who investigated and that’s not what’s in the published report." And they said, "Well, this man, he was so nice and obviously he wasn’t going to believe it if we told him it went through the trees."
Every genuine UFO sighting has some elements that are shocking to the "rational" view, the nuts-and-bolts picture that these are simply spacecraft from outer space.

DBS: A lot of investigators have pointed out that UFOs behave like holograms. I’ve heard the phrase "a hologram with mass" more than once.

JV: In many cases they behaved like a hologram that had mass. In other words, if a hologram could also interact with the environment, if it could put holes in the ground and burn the vegetation, you’d have a good approximation of what the UFO is. In other words, it is not an object like that car over there is an object. It looks like a car, it feels like a car, but it isn’t a car. It’s something totally different which can look like a car if it wants to.
We have too many Close Encounters. The extraterrestrial theory on the first level assumes that these are explorers on a mission. They are supposed to have evolved on some other planet and are coming here. But if they have to study us by landing 100,000 times, they have to be very dumb! That’s approximately the volume of data we have on Close Encounters reports today. If you were to take into account that those tend to occur at night when there are fewer observers, if you extrapolate you would actually get into millions of landings.

The second contradiction is the shape of the beings. They are uniformly humanoid in shape, somewhat bizarre and weird. They are described as having big eyes and being short with longer arms and so on, but still they have two legs, two arms. They have a torso and eyes that are adapted to exactly the same part of the spectrum as we are.

They don’t walk around with goggles or strange devices on their eyes. They seem to hear what we hear; they seem to be breathing our air. That means they’re human or very close to human beings! It’s very unlikely that beings evolving on radically different planets would end up looking like us, breathing our air, seeing the same part of the spectrum that we see. I think the biological statistics are against it.

So you can say, "Well, they are so smart they are using biogenetic engineering to adapt to this planet and its gravity." But then why don’t they just create complete human beings? If you can go 99% of the way, why not 100%, and then you’d be completely undetectable? So I think that’s a serious obstacle to the ET theory.

Another problem with the extraterrestrial hypothesis is the behavior of these beings. The mainstream of UFOlogy today claims that these are wise explorers of the galaxy who are coming here to study us and the proof of that is what they do. In abductions, for example, they take away human beings. They seem to carry them inside a craft and they draw blood from them. They take samples from them, such as sperm and ova and these look like biological experiments to people like Budd Hopkins and his followers.

Well, I think it proves entirely the opposite thing, because the descriptions that are given of the medical examinations are crude to the point of being absurd. If you had this technology, disc-shaped vehicles that could fly silently and appear out of nowhere, paralyze people and remain unnoticed; if you wanted to, you could land on the roof of the Mayo Clinic or any large research hospital and you’d have access to the blood bank, the sperm, bank, the frozen embryo banks.

It could also come from a form of creature that has always lived on Earth with us and is not an alien consciousness, in the sense that we usually think of aliens. This goes back to the traditions about the faeries and gnomes and Little People: what I have called the Magonia tradition, that in fact there is another Universe right here. Perhaps most of us just don’t see it, but it’s here.

The phenomenon really doesn’t seem to care at all whether it’s perceived as good or bad. It does seem to have an influence on our culture, but we may not be able to detect it because our view of it is so short. Historically, we’re only aware of things for a few months or a few years. We don’t tend to get the big picture of contemporary events. If we did, the science of economics would be in much better shape than it is!

It is very difficult for us to deal both with transient and slow- changing, long-term thing like the UFO phenomenon. It seems to be a control system.
DBS: How vast might this phenomenon be?

JV: My impression is that it extends to every culture, every race, every religion on Earth. I really have not found a single place that doesn’t have a tradition about this phenomenon. What is fascinating is that most of the anthropologists have completely missed it! You have to look at the footnotes in their books to find any mention of it. It’s never mentioned in the mainstream. It’s a peripheral vision effect, you know? Something that’s just off to the side of your intellectual vision.

JV: In Russia I had a chance to talk to a number of groups who are actually doing UFO research. One of the groups was even interested in New Age pursuits, astrology and a number of other topics. We were amazed because when we went there we had no idea that this sort of work went on.

These people were also interested in natural healing and herbal medicine. They had an entire storehouse of primitive plant remedies that obviously came from a long Russian tradition. So we asked them,

"How come the Russian culture has preserved all this with the kind of regime you’ve had all these years?"

And they answered, "It’s very simple. In this respect we are ahead because you have had all these so-called ’rationalist’ thinkers in the West. The Russian tradition has always preserved some of the ancient ways, even under Communism."

So I said, "Why do you think there is such a difference between these two cultures when it comes to these traditions about nature?"

And they answered: "Well, you killed all your witches! So you’ve eliminated the genes from the gene pool. We’ve had an orthodox church here for centuries but they never killed the witches. Neither did the Communists. They did many horrible things, but only the Western church slaughtered the witches."

Oddly enough, parapsychology research went on in the Soviet Union even under Stalin’s regime.

They never stopped doing that kind of research and they never stopped natural healing and natural medicine, side by side with the official medicine. Don’t get me wrong, this wasn’t approved officially by the Academy of Sciences and all that, but they didn’t kill these people. They didn’t send them to labor camps.

I had never thought of that. The east European countries never eliminated those abilities from their gene pool."

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Re: Jacques Vallee

Post by Ye Admin » Sun May 05, 2019 5:06 pm

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Re: Jacques Vallee

Post by aeon » Mon May 06, 2019 3:41 pm

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