Alien Control

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Alien Control

Post by aeon » Fri Jun 17, 2016 3:40 pm

There is a horror like hell out in space where the UFO come from and to which they go. There is the same horror in our underworld caverns. There was the same horror under the Aztec pyramids, where they are the dead.

You really want to know why the UFO come here, don't you? I will put it simple. One: They come to eat you. Two: They come to beat you. Three: They come to Earth to enslave. They come to EAT you, secretly so you won't make a fuss about being eaten. They come to BEAT you if you in any way refuse the process of being made into a race of mindless robots.

To understand the Dero is to understand murder, the drinking of blood, cannibalism, witchcraft and the like.

Ray people: This is taken to mean all of the modern underground race, both the Dero bad guys and the Tero good guys. They are called Ray people because they use telaug rays to spy upon surface people and to talk to them, and to perform the many weird things their machines are capable of doing.

It is by rays that they operate. For instance, have you ever had a fearful nightmare in which you have been faced by horribly realistic monstrosities such as your waking mind has never conceived, to your utter terror? This dream might have been produced in your mind by tele-projection from the dero creatures of the caves who delight in causing surface people horror and terror.

There is another and more significant reason behind this practice, and that is to build up superstition and fear in surface people that has been proved their greatest protection against discovery by upper surface worlders. They fear discovery because it would mean their extermination by a vindictive human race, seeking to revenge itself upon the age-old torturers. According to Shaver, "Deros are a degraded, destructive, evil form of life, small monsters who seem like men but are not."

They may be descendants of extraterrestrials from the past who were abandoned in underground caves to become demented in the worst way. They join into gangs and kill people who wander into their caves or near surface openings to their tunnels, not for sport, but because to them there is no other thing to do. They thrive on torturing surface people to death, then reviving them to do it again.

It is no time to rejoice. The visitations from flying saucers are proof that the cave people have made contact with beings from outer space. If any saucer contains benevolent beings, it is destroyed.

The saucers that are allowed into our atmosphere are the ancient enemies of mankind. You have to believe that the world beneath our feet is horrible, a world ruled by madmen!

You think you know about UFOs. You don't. They are not marvelous people from marvelous planets come to help us in our need. They are evil, furtive, hiding; enslaving the mind from a safe distance with their telaug devices which they never invented, never manufactured, but found on abandoned worlds.

These plagues of space aliens are most dangerous when they look like human beings, and when they use their inherited appearance to delude victims into their reach. This pretense of humanity is the vermin's most effective weapon as it disarms the intended victim and lowers his guard until it is too late.

One could do a long book, just by collecting quotes and incidents from ancient writings and myths that show how the Invisible Empire has slaughtered and tormented man, just as they tormented Prometheus for his crime of helping man. ... naan01.htm

These Siddir were directly related to the mythic Norns, the Mori or Fates who were said to be responsible for the fate of mankind by the patterns that they wove in the way that they tied and loosened the knots of the Web of Wyrd. The Siddirs, as well as being seers, could control such power as to influence the outcome of human affairs and in this respect their name reflects their abilities which, in India, were called the Siddhis, a word used to describe the powers of the Yogi who had self-realized.

The curious Irish word Sidhe pronounced 'shee', 'sheeth' or 'sheeth-ay', attributed to the fairies and meaning powers, is therefore identical to Siddir, sheeth-eer, and Siddhi (sheeth-ee) and is derived therefore, from the people of the powers - the Scythians or Sidheans or sheethee-ans. In Scotland the royal fairies were called the Seelie or Sheelie and their princesses were related to the sculpted Sheelagh Na Gigs over church doorways. ... disorder#1 ... ain%20.pdf

Delusions of Alien Control in the Normal Brain

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