The Ifrit

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The Ifrit

Post by aeon » Mon Jun 06, 2016 11:19 am

The Ifrit

Six miles under the Arabian Desert the demon scampered across the highly polished metal floor toward the statue of an ancient god. Timidly it stretched forth a claw and touching the base received a violent shock. In rage and fear it ran in circles shrieking and gibbering as flames erupted on all sides.

How long it lay unconscious it would never know, the passage of time was beyond its reasoning capacity as were most things.

Weakly it dragged itself back to the statue noticing that now there was an opening it was able to squeeze through. A chiming sound rang out and switches clicked. Gigantic levers lowered themselves into hidden recesses.

Screens flickered to life and pale green rays probed the demon looking for neural connections. Alarms tripped and restraints grabbed the bundle of rags that was the ifrit. Before it could scream, ben ray anesthesia put it into a medical coma.

The medical rays could not determine the wretched species before it. The mech hummed and clicked pondering its next step. Cutting rays sliced open the skull and began the arduous task of attempting a full neural reconnect.

Transport tubes beneath the statue roared to life and medibots scuttled to access the tissue and gene banks five miles below. Heavily shielded were the repositories containing spare parts of hundreds of atlan and variform life.

Weeks passed and suddenly all was quiet. The restraints released and stim rays gently awakened the creature. The mech did the best it could but having no correct template or man pattern fixed something that should have been exterminated on sight.

The new being looked around understanding everything and then it began laughing.

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